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no joy with external USR modem

The modem was working fine, and isn't very old.  I set up a Linux box for a 
guy across town.  I threw an ethernet card in and plugged the machine into my 
LAN to do a net install.  All was well until I took it back over to try to 
futz around getting the thing to dial AOL for him.

I'm not sure how the AOL thing (penggy) will go, but I'm not even past step 
one yet.  No contact with the modem.  I'm trying the "terminal" button in 
KPPP, just trying to establish contact with the thing for starters.  COM 1 is 
definitely enabled in BIOS, I don't see any IRQ conflicts, etc., but KPPP 
keeps reporting that the modem is busy.

There's no setserial on the box.  I'm wondering if maybe the net install just 
glossed over something because it found a DHCP server at install time?

What are the chances the COM port is actually bad?  What else can I look at?

I've dealt with modem problems before, but never anything quite like this.  
I'm stumped.  I need to figure out what I need to throw on a CD before I 
drive back over there.

Michael McIntyre  ----   Silvan <dmmcintyr@users.sourceforge.net>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

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