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Re: space-limiting /var/cache/apt/archives

On Fri, 15 Oct 2004 23:40:29 PDT, Paul Johnson writes:
>> Is it possible to somehow tell apt to use no more than X MB of space
>> for the archive, or not to keep more than Y versions of any package?
>> I can't find anything about it in apt.conf(5).

>apt-get autoclean (and it isn't in apt.conf(5), it's in apt-get(8),

Thanks, but this isn't what I'm looking for:
         Like  clean,  autoclean  clears  out the local repository of re-
         trieved package files. The difference is that  it  only  removes
         package  files that can no longer be downloaded, and are largely
         useless. This allows a cache to be maintained over a long period
         without  it  growing  out  of  control. The configuration option
         APT::Clean-Installed will prevent installed packages from  being
         erased if it is set to off.

Having the previously installed, presumably working, version of a package
 around is often very useful, especially since I'm using unstable.
 Although this will be quite handy for stable machines.

>> (Pls CC me on replies, I'm not on the list with this address)

>I know it's a rude shock, but this public forum doesn't exist for your
>sole, private benefit. If you want a private tutor, hire one. Don't
>tell us that you need this because you "don't get this newsgroup",
>either: That's what the archives are for.

I know. It may come as a shock to you, but, as I said, I'm not on the
 list with _this_ address, it's too high-volume for me at home. But
 I'm subscribed at work, and I do try to also give useful advice for
 questions I know something about. It's just that I don't have access 
 to my work-email all the time.

-- "Nonono, as has been stated several times before, M$
-- are not the Borg. The Borg have _good_ networking."
--                                 - Peter Radcliffe

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