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Re: space-limiting /var/cache/apt/archives

On Fri, Oct 15, 2004 at 12:33:07PM -0400, Derrick Hudson wrote:
> One solution would be to make that directory a separate file system.
> Then when the filesystem's space is consumed apt won't be able to
> exceed that limit.

I wonder how hard apt would crash when it hits the limit. I have hopes
that it will handle this gracefully, but it won't be installing any
more packages at that moment.

> | Actually, having the previous version of any installed package around 
> |  is *quite* useful. Especially since I'm using unstable. So this isn't 
> |  what I'm looking for.
> | 
> | Hmm, maybe I'll have to hack up a little shell-script to regularly 
> |  clean out...
> Run 'aptitude autoclean' or 'aptitude clean' when desired.  Instead of
> a shell script, just put that one line in a crontab to run it
> automatically.

But the original poster is right that this may not be desired. Having
an older package around as replacement for a bug-ridden new one can be
a life saver.

Here's a little script that can be a beginning.

#! /bin/sh
MAXSIZE=700 # CD-Rom size. You may want something else here
SIZE=`du -s -m $APTCACHE | cut -f1`
if test $SIZE -gt $MAXSIZE; then
    echo "WARNING: too large: $SIZE"
    echo "OK: $SIZE"

Instead of printing a warning you can remove stuff with `apt-get
autoclean' - sometimes you just have to clean up - or your own
homegrown package weeder. For example:

# The number of packages to remove shall be three. One, two,
# three. Not to four shalt thou count...

# Remove the oldest packages:
for i in `ls -tr | head -$COUNT`; do rm "$i"; done
# Or remove the youngest packages, whatever you want:
for i in `ls -t | head -$COUNT`; do rm "$i"; done

Wait, I have another idea. First some test data. I have just one
version of every package. So for testing purposes I copied my abcde
and adduser packages to files with a name that indicates an older

mauritsvanrees:/var/cache/apt/archives# ls | head -8
abcde_1.1.21-1_all.deb   # bogus test file
adduser_3.54_all.deb     # bogus test file

I'm not sure if it is absolutely required, but it seems that every
package name has the form


Are there package names that themselves have underscores, like
package_name_version_blabla? That would make it more troublesome.

I scan for files with the same package name. `uniq' is handy
here. Read the man page for details, but the following should give you
all the packages with duplicates. The oldest ones are listed:

mauritsvanrees:/var/cache/apt/archives# ls | uniq -t "_" -d -W 1

Hm, if you remove these, then this will have roughly the same effect
as the autoclean function (not totally). I copied abcde again for
testing. Now we count the duplicates. Working dir is still

# ls | sort -g | uniq -c -t "_" -d -W 1
      3 abcde_1.0.21-1_all.deb
      2 adduser_3.54_all.deb

The `sort -g' shouldn't be necessary, but let's stay on the safe side.
Now grep any package that has more than 2 versions available:

# ls | sort -g | uniq -c -t "_" -d -W 1 | grep -v -E "^[[:blank:]]*2 "
      3 abcde_1.0.21-1_all.deb

Now you can select that package, without the count:

# ls | sort -g | uniq -c -t "_" -d -W 1 | grep -v -E "^[[:blank:]]*2 " | \
sed "s/ *[[:digit:]*] \(.*\)$/\1/g"

Now you have a list of packages that you can remove. In the beginning
you should do this by hand. Once you trust it, you can put it in a

Ah, combining ls, sort, uniq, grep and sed in one line: you gotta love
the GNU toolchain. :-D

(Disclaimer: use at your own risk.)

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands]
"Let your advance worrying become advance thinking and planning."
 - Winston Churchill

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