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Re: Display Set-Up

Incoming from Beans:
> Vijaya S wrote:
> >
> >You dont have to reinstall Sarge for that..
> >stop X server and then type
> ># dpkg--reconfigure xserver-xfree86
> >
> >Follow the wizard and enter the correct value.
>  As the xserver worked,  we can edit the configure file 
> (/etc/X11/XFree86-4) instead of 'dpkg-reconfigure'. After all, this way 
> need more brain.

You've got brains to spare?  Good for you.  I've just been conversing
with someone whose box contains no vi (by his choice).  "vi's too

I think the "dpkg-reconfigure $BLAH" stuff is a pretty feature.  You
don't have to use it, but for obscure stuff you don't know intimately,
it's nice to have.

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