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Re: HOWTO build and package CMYK seperate plugin for the GIMP (SID)

Am Freitag 08 Oktober 2004 14:22 schrieb Tim Kelley:
> On Friday 08 October 2004 02:50, Gerhard Gaussling wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm running Sarge/SID.
> >
> > I want to build and package the gimp plugin Seperate [3],
> > which relies on the CMM of the little-cms [5] and seems to
> > make a first step toward the needed CMYK seperation in
> > the GIMP.
> To compile gimp2, try using apt-build to build the src deb.
> This will let you keep your gimp 1.3 and apt-build will grab all the
> build time dependencies for you.

Hello Tim,

thank you for your answer. But I think you missed the point because
I missed to say that in the plugin tarball 
there is no .configure script. You will find a makefile [2] only, but it 
doesn't fit to debian.

and Hello Alastair,

thank you to provide this program, but unfortunately I'm not able to 
compile it under debian SID (unstable). I BCC you because I really 
don't have any clue how to solve this. Please see the complete thread 
under gmane.org [1].

I don't know how to fiddle with a makefile-only source to get it 
compiled. Do I have to exchange all appearances of -1.3 with -2.0? 
Because -1.3 doesn't exist on my system. Example:
$ pkg-config gimp-1.3 --cflags
Package gimp-1.3 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gimp-1.3.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'gimp-1.3' found
With -2.0 I'll get this:
$ pkg-config gimp-2.0 --cflags
-I/usr/include/gimp-2.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 
$ pkg-config gimp-2.0 --libs
-lgimp-2.0 -lgimpmath-2.0 -lgimpcolor-2.0 -lgimpbase-2.0 -lglib-2.0

Is this a possible workaround?

The binary is compiled for SuSE 8.0 I think, and doesn't starts due to 
the lack of libgimpcolor-1.3.so.24.

I installed libgimp2.0-dev, which normally should suffice for builds of 
plugins from source - I'm not shure.

$ dpkg -l libgimp2.0-dev
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: 
||/ Name                  Version               Description
ii  libgimp2.0-dev        2.0.4-1               Headers and other files 
for compiling plugins for The GIMP

Now I started a download of an rpm which contains libgimpcolor-1.3.so.24
20-Jan-2004 09:28  8.8M

I don't know how to handle that, because I already got a running 
gimp-2.04. I'm simply interested in getting the plugin named "Seperate" 
from http://www.blackfiveservices.co.uk to work for my version of the 

Thank you in advance

Kind regards

Gerhard Gaussling

[1] This Thread is on gmane.org:


PREFIX=/usr # I tried this change only, I think from /usr/local in the      
       # original version, gg.

GTK_INCLUDE = `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --cflags`
GTK_LIB = `pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs`
GIMP_INCLUDE = `pkg-config gimp-1.3 --cflags` `pkg-config gimpui-1.3 
GIMP_LIB = `pkg-config gimp-1.3 --libs` `pkg-config gimpui-1.3 --libs`
LCMS_LIB = -llcms
TIFF_LIB = -ltiff

CC = gcc -g
DEPEND = gccmakedep
RM = rm -f


        separate.c util.c tiff.c


TARGETS = separate

all:     $(TARGETS)

        $(DEPEND) -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(SOURCES)

        $(RM) $(OBJECTS) $(TARGETS) core *~

separate: $(OBJECTS)
        $(CC) separate.o util.o tiff.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS)

install: separate
        gimptool-2.0 --install-bin separate

        rm -f $(HOME)/.gimp/plug-ins/separate

# Inference rules

        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<


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