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Re: Any Ping Issue in Debian

saravanan ganapathy <sarav_gsa@yahoo.com> writes:

>   I am using debian3.0 for sometimes and now only I
> noticed that some issue in ping.
> My IP is and its accessible in my LAN.It
> got response if I ping in
> LAN).
> But if I ping not available in LAN), I
> didn't get any output like " Destination Host
> Unreachable". It doesn't give any output. 

That's expected behavior. There's no entity to reply to the ICMP echo
request packets that ping sends.

> If I ping from a windows system, I got
> reply like ' Request timed out '.
> Both windows and debian have the same gateway.
> Any solution?

What exactly is the problem you want a solution for?

If you want ping to time out, read the manual page; for example, if
you're using netkit-ping, use the -c option.


   ,--.                                          ,= ,-_-. =.
  / ,- )    Martin Dickopp, Dresden, Germany    ((_/)o o(\_))
  \ `-'        http://www.zero-based.org/        `-'(. .)`-'
   `-.                                               \_/

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