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Two ethernet cards


I have a laptop with docking station.  The laptop has a PCMCIA
wireless card; the docking station has its own ethernet port/card.

When I boot up w/o the docking station, the wireless card is
recognized as eth0 and the network comes up properly.

When I boot up with the docking station, the docking station ethernet
gets eth0, PCMCIA gets eth1 and Debian tries to bring up the network
via eth0.  Unless I connect with a ethernet cord, networking fails.

Following suggestions from the recent "DHCP Question" thread, I added the
hardware address to the eth0 section of my /etc/network/interfaces file:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
        hwaddress ether 00:50:8B:46:28:6F

Now, when the laptop is docked, PCMCIA comes up as eth0, but
networking doesn't work.  During boot, dhclient runs and fails
running dhclient after the machine was fully booted... it again fails.
PCMCIA card flashes its LED to indicate that it has been initialized,
but it is not connected to a network.

I use a DSL wireless router for networking.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Many thanks,


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