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Unable to re-build software RAID...


I have a strange problem with Sarge/MDADM-RAID.

I am using Debian Sarge (up to date to the current testing apt-get). I have
set it up to boot from a software raid1 (/dev/md3 = /dev/hda1+/dev/hdc1). The
file system is Ext3. I am using Grub as the boot loader. [I also have other
sofware RAID1 arrays for /var, /home, and /usr (using ReiserFS for all of
them), but I do not think it is relevant.]

This setup worked fine. Then I tried to test it by turning off the computer
and unpluging one of the drives (/dev/hda). The system booted and worked
fine. All raid arrays came up as degraded, but everything was working
correctly. Then I turned off the computer, plugged the "missing" disk back
in. I rebooted it back up and had to go through with 'mdadm --add' to rebuild
all raid arrays (basically add back /dev/hda? partitions).

Everything *seemed* to work fine. All the arrays were rebuild and functioning
normally. The problem is that when I rebooted again, the root partition
(/dev/md3) was again showing degraded - missing /dev/hda1. [Interestingly
enough all other raid1 arrays were fine.]

Since then I could not get the system to reboot with non-degraded arrays.
After the reboot the array would be degraded. I can then easily rebuild it,
reboot again - and the array is degraded again.

I have tried the following approaches (none successfull):
1. mdadm /dev/md3 --add /dev/hda1 
   ["the default" solution]

2. mdadm /dev/md3 --remove /dev/hda1
   mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/hda1
   mdadm /dev/md3 --add /dev/hda1
   mdadm /dev/md3 --fail /dev/hdc1
   mdadm /dev/md3 --remove /dev/hdc1
   mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/hdc1
   mdadm /dev/md3 --add /dev/hdc1
   [interestingly, still the same effect after reboot - degraded, with
/dev/hda1 missing]

3. same as #2 above, but I also reinstalled GRUB (which obiously is not a
problem since the system boots).

Any suggestions?



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