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Re: sleep inside .xsession ?

Micha Feigin <michf@post.tau.ac.il> writes:

> I am trying to open urxvtd (the urxvt unicode daemon) from .xsession
> and urxvtc (the client). The problem is that the client needs for the
> daemon to start first so I need to wait. I can't figure out how to
> implement such a wait.
> The following causes nothing to happen
> exec sleep 1 && urxvtc &
> or
> exec sleep 1 && ( urxvt & ) &
> and this causes X to exit immediatly
> exec sleep 1 && ( urxvtc & )
> or
> exec sleep
> exec urxvtc &
> Any pointers?

`exec' doesn't start a new process, but replaces the current (shell)
process.  Statements like `exec FOO && BAR' don't make sense: Since
`FOO' replaces the shell, `BAR' can never be executed.

Just leave out the `exec', or use it as the last statement in a

  ( sleep 1 && exec urxvtc ) &


   ,--.                                          ,= ,-_-. =.
  / ,- )    Martin Dickopp, Dresden, Germany    ((_/)o o(\_))
  \ `-'        http://www.zero-based.org/        `-'(. .)`-'
   `-.                                               \_/

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