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Re: ursine.ca has been hijacked

On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 03:21:20PM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> <#secure method=pgp mode=sign>
> Hash: SHA1
> Kevin Mark <kmark+debian-user@pipeline.com> writes:
> > Are you are saying that the registar would not listen to your pleas?
> > or to the inaccurate info?
> Well, I plan on going scorched-earth with this.  Technically, neither
> of us have any legal claim to ursine.ca as we are not any of the
> following (which are the only people allowed to have .ca names):
> A) Canadian citizen
<snipped list>
> So hopefully the registrar will revoke the domain.  If I have any
> Canadian volunteers to hold the domain for me, I'll try to get it back.

Hopefully someone on this great list will help you out. Someone must
live in CA. One of the neat things about FLOSS folks is that we like to
help folks out. This would be a great example!

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