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Re: No sound in Sarge

Andreas Janssen <andreas.janssen@bigfoot.com> writes:

> Hello
> Josef Oswald (<oswald@chello.at>) wrote:
>> Andreas Janssen <andreas.janssen@bigfoot.com> writes:
>>> dougpol1@adelphia.net (<dougpol1@adelphia.net>) wrote:
>>>> Have installed Sarge and am getting an error
>>>> messege.
>>>> Error initializing sound server device /dev/dsp can't be
>>>> opened(no such device)sound driver will continue, using
>>>> the null output.
>>>> Is this a device i can download and install maybe with
>>>> apt-get?
>>> You need to load the driver for your sound card. If you use Kernel
>>> 2.6, installing discover and/or hotplug can probably do that. You can
>>> also load it at boot time by adding the module name to /etc/modules.
>>> To do that, you have of course to find out which driver you need. Use
>>> lspci and a search engine to find out. If you want to use the alsa
>>> drivers, install the alsa-base package and run alsaconfig. After
>>> loading the driver, make sure you are in the audio group.
>> Most Alsa-divers are already in the Kernel, I know for the
>> Sound-blaster Live 5.1 I am using I could pick it when I compiled the
>> kernel.
> Right, but the alsa-base package does not contain any drivers anyway.
> But it does have some utilities, like an init script to save/restore
> the mixer settings and alsaconf to set up your module configuration
> properly.

Thanks for pointing this out. 
> best regards
>         Andreas Jansse
> -- 
> Andreas Janssen <andreas.janssen@bigfoot.com>
> PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674 ICQ #17079270
> Registered Linux User #267976
> http://www.andreas-janssen.de/debian-tipps.html

LinuxUser aka Josef Oswald linux.os@chello.at 
registered-linux-user # 134.818 at http://counter.li.org

The box said Windows, NT or better, so I installed Linux :-) 

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