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Have I been sniffed?

I just received a SPAM which has me wondering if I have a security problem. I must admit that my knowledge of security measures is just about nil and that I have relied on using linux and not having an always on connection, along with avoiding phishers, as my main protection. I see now that I may have needed better methods.

The sender address on the SPAM message was my own. That, of course, is easy enough for anyone to find. The name of the sender, however, is what worries me. The first name was a word that I use for a LOT of my passwords, and the last name could have been found in my e-mail.

No one but my wife has physical access to the computer and I am using a dialup connection. I do not have broadband.

The fact that one of my passwords was used has me wanting to change all of my important passwords, but if someone has access to my info, then I want to prevent that before I make the changes.

What can I do to verify if someone is sniffing my keyboard, and what precautions should I be taking.

For obvious reasons, a quick response would be appreciated.

Marc Shapiro

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