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Re: Rant about installer features (Re: Progeny)

Tom Allison wrote:
> ...
> I'm late on this, but I have to say that the debian installer was
> actually the best installer I've ever seen.  It was very true to the
> ideas that makes Debian better than Fedora or Suse (This is just my
> opinion so don't argue about it)
> I can install a non-GUI system in minutes with a minimum of interaction.

I can install a GUI system in minutes with a minimum of interaction, too.

> ...
> d-i found more hardware, correctly, than Suse 9.0 did for me and
> similarly with the Fedora release I was testing.  I would have to argue
> that, with the recognition that d-i isn't supposed to do X windows, it's
> probably better than most in it's simplicity, reliability, and
> effectiveness.

But it's not effective.  For example, you can't mount an existing RAID
set in the install, you can only create or delete RAID sets.  Also, you
can't install to RAID / or /boot, something that Red Hat has supported
since 7.x (and LVM since 8.0).

> If you insist upon having X-windows as part of the installation then you
> probably will only be happy with Windows, RedHat, and SuSE.

I don't insist on having X windows.  I just want it to work.  It just
happens that anaconda visualises the install better (particularly with
respect to partitioning) and it also has the right features (namely
working RAID and LVM support).

I didn't write this rant about GUI vs. non-GUI.  I wrote it about the
"Debian is fine, and if you don't like it, go use Windows" attitude that
seems to surface so often in posts in this group.

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