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Re: Configuration DB

Once upon a time Jason Rennie said...
> On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 02:09:08AM -0700, Brian Nelson wrote:
> > The debconf database is nothing more than a temporary cache of answers
> > gotten from the user.  Debconf will regenerate this data by asking any
> > questions it needs to.
> If the Debian designers had this attitude, everything would go into
> /var/cache:
>   What, you want to run oowriter?  Oops, just deleted that from my
>   cache.  Downloading openoffice.org-bin.deb from www.debian.org.
>   Please wait.

Worse than that. All configuration files could be stored in /var/cache
with this logic, since vi can just regenerate this data by getting you to
type it in again.

As I see it, if debconf is asking you the questions again, *it* is not
regenerating the data, but *you* are.

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