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Ntp in sid doing strange things?

I apt-get upgraded my sid box at home a bit over a week ago (with at
least these time related packages installed: adjtimex, ntp, ntp-doc,
ntp-server, ntp-simple, ntpdate), and then noticed that the box was
losing quite a bit of time, without a reboot having happened at all
recently. It was losing so much time, ntp decided to give up, so for
the time being, I have added 'ntpd -q' to my crontab to be executed
every 15 minutes, and setup a script to warn if the time ever goes out
by 20 seconds.

I found out that the box was *consistently* losing 11 seconds per 15
minutes, or 11-12,000 ppm, way about the ntp cutoff of 500ppm.

Furthermore, to show that this is not hardware failure, I checked my
sid laptop, which I also did a apt-get upgrade of a week later. It too
is showing a horendous slowdown. It's about 15 seconds per 15 minutes,
which is close to the value for my other machine. The laptop was
rebooted before I noticed the time anomaly, but has not been rebooted
since. The home box has not been rebooted in 30 days. 

Has anyone else who has upgraded within the last few days seen this?

TimC -- http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/staff/tconnors/
About the use of language: it is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a
blunt ax.  It is equally vain to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead.
                -- Edsger Dijkstra

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