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Re: [Rant] The Endless Search for a Mail Client That Doesn't Suck

I'm going to get myself kicked in the nuts.

I think mutt + offlineimap is what you need.

Mutt does native Maildir support, so you won't have to screw with hard
links or whatever that gnus stuff was.  Just sync it up normally.

Google for 'mutt header cache' - it's _awesome_.  It will cache the
maildir and imap headers so that opening up those mailboxes with 10k messages
is quick.  The maintainer of that patch is hoping to get it merged
into mutt, but until then, there's a .deb of the current Debianized
mutt with the patch
See the page for instructions on use, and make sure to hold mutt so
the offical Debian package doesn't overwrite it.

I use mutt with emacs's mail mode, and it works wonderfully.  I run
screen and pop back and forth between them by setting my editor to be

Good luck,


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