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Re: Help From Brasil

> Please if one of you can help me!!
> I'm Architect,  Designer & Mac user from Brasil, and read about bad
> blocks isolating, My emac 1ghz  starts to be strange, I discovered i
> Have bad blocks at My HD and Idon,t want  Format it , (it's the second
> time this HD have problems)
> How I can Isolate it, (I'm new at terminal)

I honestly don't know how to isolate bad blocks, but I've see how fast today's 
hard drives go from "strange" to "dead."  It doesn't take long at all.  If I 
were you, I'd buy a new hard drive immediately and rescue as much data as I 
could from the old one before its time is up.

Michael McIntyre  ----   Silvan <dmmcintyr@users.sourceforge.net>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

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