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Re: Metacity window manager

On 26.7.2004 15:08 Otto Wyss wrote:

I installed Metacity to see how it looks like. Well Metacity doesn't
have a popup menu, taskbar etc as it states in the doc since they have
to be added as additional components. So far so good but how do I find
these components? There seems to be no metacity mailing list or other
docs and the package descriptions don't give any clue. Has anybody an
idea where to look for?

IMHO Metacity isn't meant to be a full-fledged window manager (as is for example WM or Fluxbox), but instead it has to be used with the GNOME environment, which provides the "additional components", such as gnome-panel for the taskbar. It may be possible to run Metacity alone with only some components from GNOME, but I don't think that would be a pleasant experience.

Hope this helps.


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