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Re: problems using JACK

On Friday 16 July 2004 01:33 pm, rich lott wrote:

> First, is it right that you pretty much have to run jack (and therefore all
> audio apps) as root? I can't get it started as any other user - it starts
> but the clients can't find it.

No, you don't *have* to.  If you don't run it in realtime mode, you can run 
everything out of userland.  That will impair your performance.  You have to 
decide what's most important to you.  I run everything in userland, and live 
with what I get, because I can't be bothered to become a Linux audio expert.
To get more, I'd have to do far more research than it's worth to me.

> Second, is there anyway to get Arts to use Jack? (and then, any way to get
> ESD to use it?)

I don't think so, no.

> Call me radical, but I thought it would be really good if all my apps which
> make sounds could...well, make sounds, without interfering with/blocking
> eachother.

It would be nice if everything supported JACK.  Perhaps that will be the case 

> I like jack because I play with hydrogen and audacity and so I 
> appreciate the low latency.

Do you actually have that working somehow?  Audacity hasn't worked with JACK 
in ages, and it isn't working here now.  I've had to start using sweep and 
rezound for audio editing, since I need JACK running.

> There doesn't seem to be much on the net about jack, perhaps it's too young
> yet?

Exactly.  If there are any easy, simple answers out there, google is doing a 
good job of keeping them from me, as well.  There's amazing work being done, 
but you really still have to be a Linux audio insider to understand most of 
the discussion.  Latency scheduling capabilities blmphf realtime blrfl xruns 
blah, wake me up when stupid people can use it too.  :)

Michael McIntyre  ----   Silvan <dmmcintyr@users.sourceforge.net>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek;  registered Linux user #243621

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