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APC UPS with USB on Woody

I have an APC BackUPS 350 which is interfaced to my P4 via USB.

I am running Debian Wody.

The APC package apcupsd in Woody is version 3.8.5 which does not support USB.

I am aware of just one page that talks about installing apcupsd 3.10.3 (which supports USB).

It is at http://www.jimweller.net/article.php?story=200212261937239840

However this is 1-1/2 years old - any anyway, it's pretty sketchy.

"Testing" has apcupsd 3.10.13, but based on the package lists it appears to require some versions of other packages which aren't in Woody.

Has anyone else been able to set up apcupsd version 3.10 on woody?

Jack Dodds

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