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Re: Re: sendmail and procmail , spamassaign

Amrita Priyadarsini wrote:
> I have installed spamassassin & procmail in my system.
> However when I try to start the spamd daemon,it gives the following error..
> "Insecure directory in $ENV{PATH} while running with -T switch at
> /opt/perl5/lib/5.6.1/Cwd.pm line 92."

The problem is that the PATH contains writable path elements.  That
poses a problem and the taint checking finds that and rightly refuses
to run.

> Any help in this matter is welcome..

You are almost certainly trying to start it by hand.  Instead use the
startup script provided for it.

  /etc/init.d/spamassassin start

That sets the PATH to a safe setting and does other setup.


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