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Re: Can this be a DNS problem? or ... ??

in mozilla (you don't specify version) type "about: config" in the address bar and from there you may be able to see if there's a "CheckHostIP" (or similar) option.


halbtaxabo-njlinux@yahoo.com wrote:

I recently upgraded the kernel from 2.4.26 to 2.6.3.

Everything works, but Mozilla is now unusable. When I
go to a URL, it just sits there with (e.g.)

Resolving host login.yahoo.com

at the bottom in the status frame, for about 40
seconds. Thinking I maybe had some DNS setup problem,
I tried typing "dig login.yahoo.com" at a shell prompt
- it completed in less than one second. The same
is found with all URLs. It doesn't matter whether I do
the "dig" before or after going to the site with

It's as though it's waiting for some stupid timeout,
possibly on a reverse DNS lookup.
But where do I look?

I tried some other programs. ping and ftp don't have
the delay. But ssh does. With both mozilla and ssh if
I type the IP address instead of the name, (for sites
where the IP address is uniquely associated with the
name) they complete instantly. I tried ssh from a
2.4.18 machine and the symptoms were the same (i'd
just never tried it before) so this problem is not
specific to 2.6.3 or to mozilla. But it doesn't happen
with Mozilla on the 2.6.3 machine, so there may be
some connection.

ssh probably has CheckHostIP defaulted to yes
(overridable in its config file) which is a reasonable
default for ssh. However, Mozilla doesn't seem to have
a comparable config file.

I'm using the Debian 'Sarge' distro.

I can't even think of anything to investigate. Ideas?
Seen something like this before?


David Piniella
University of Miami

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