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Re: can't access postfix pop

On (09/06/04 10:52), Ignatz Sol wrote:
> I'm having some trouble with something that should be very simple. 
> I've got postfix running on a box with sarge.  Just building a local
> mailserver.  Fetchmail is grabbing mails off of the internet and doing
> fine.  I can ssh into the box and read mail.  But I can't get outlook
> to login to the pop server.  Nor can I telnet into the box on port 110
> to try to do it manually.  Seems like port 110 may not be open??  But
> why would that be?  I have installed postfix before and remember it
> being pretty straightforward.  I have tried dpkg-reconfiguring to be
> sure that nothing obvious has been overlooked.  mynetworks is set to
> subnet.  What am I missing??
> Thanks!

Sendmail is an stmp server, listening on port 25 you need to install a pop3 
server which listens on port 110. (or at least activate one that may
already be installed).

I am assuming from your description that the box in Q (box A) is on your lan
with a fetchmail daemon pulling your mail from remote server. You want
to collect this mail from another box on your lan (Box B) If so you don't even
need Postfix on Box A. Fetchmail can use procmail to
deliver it to your local accounts then (once you've got the POP3 server
going on box A) you login through outlook or whatever (from box B) to get the mail.

Hope I have understood you correctly. If not, apologies.



A guy who will try not to ever include his 
full sig again on a posting that makes the google 


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