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Re: Possible convert to Debian

On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 10:10:18PM -0500, John Fleming wrote:
> Any other comments for this relative newbie that's old (>50) and not a
> sysadmin by trade?  Thanks a bunch for your time!

It takes about a month of solid work to get all your hardware and eye 
candy working in Sid.  Use Knoppix LiveCD detect all your hardware, and 
print out what drivers are detected and the output of lspci and stuff.

It takes about 15-20 clean "do-overs" before you'll get it all working 

Fonts will be ugly as sin at first, and you'll have to go right back to 
twm and xterm, get those fonts working, then get old gtk/xft1 apps fonts 
working well.  The newest GTK2 apps will have pretty anti aliasing fonts 
right from the get go.

It's hard but worth it.

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