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Re: charset of ext3 drives

On Wed, 2 Jun 2004 19:23:18 +0200
"J. Preiss" <auba@af-i.de> wrote:

> Isnt there a way to use utf-8 encoding for ext3 partitions? I urgently
> need umlauts and cyrillic characters, so utf 8 would be the best
> choice. Now I run in trouble when I try to create m3u playlist. The
> filesnames dont match.

Please don't post new questions as replies to old threads.

Using UTF-8 characters ist not really a filesystem problem, the FS
doesn't care too much what characters you use as long as there are no
control characters or slashes. You just need to tell the rest of the
system to use the proper locale. A first step is

dpkg-reconfigure locales

and choose a unicode locale that best matches your location. Now, you
will also need to inform certain other things about the change (most
notably KDE and maybe GTK) and restart all applications. You might
also notice that the console starts to behave funny. For graphical
consoles like KDE's konsole, make sure you're using a font with the
characters you need. Andale Mono works reasonably well for me.

If you're using samba shares with "special" characters (anything not low
ASCII), you will need to mount them properly. I'm using this smbmount

smbmount //server/share mp/ -o iocharset=utf8,codepage=cp850

The iocharset option is the system's locale (what SMB uses for the local
filesystem), the codepage determines what gets sent over the wire. I
have not managed to get an all-unicode connection between a samba
server and a samba client (current versions from unstable), if anyone
knows how to do this, please tell me.

If you've got here, chances are that special characters aren't all this
special anymore and they even get displayed with the right fonts.
Generally, the Microsoft truetype fonts are rather good at this.

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Jabber: Shadowdancer at jabber.fsinf.de

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