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Re: Acrobat Reader

Pedro M. (Morphix User) verraste ons met de boodschap:

> I send an interesting link to install Adobe Acrobat in Debian ( with the 
> adventage of copy the text of the pdf files to ehte clipboard, something 
> that one cannot do with xpdf and derivatives).
> http://wiki.debian.net/index.cgi?Acrobat

I assume it works nicely, but it's definitely not the Debian Way(TM) of
installing stuff. besides, xpdf copies selected text to the clipboard
perfectly - only the way of selecting seems a little odd at first (though
it's a huge timesaver for copying text from a columned article)

and, if you like the way acroread plugs into mozilla, installing
mozplugger does the same thing for xpdf...


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