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Knoppix stops on creating /etc/fstab

I'm not sure if it ain't off-topic, but Knoppix is based on Debian...

On my 2xPII 350Mhz PC I have 1 partition with win95 (primary), and on extended partition I have few Debian/unstable partitions (swap, /, /usr, /var, /home). Recently I wanted to play with some features without messing up in my system, so I've tried to start Knoppix. But it cannot start, hangs on creating /etc/fstab... On another PC it worked well (although slooowly, as it was P233MMX).
What is wrong? Why cannot I start it on the 1st PC?

***  Michal R. Hoffmann        |    <mailto:misiek@knm.org.pl>      ***
***             -= member of: KNM, ZUKiH, HCKU =-                   ***

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