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transcode package

Dear Debian user's.

My names is Emanuele, from Italy.

My system is:

AmigaONE G4 800 Mhz + 512 Mb Kingston memory + Ati Radeon 9100 128 MB DDR with DebianPPC Unstable ( great system )

Today I hane tried to install with synaptic, transcode package, required for DVD-Rip software.

But there is an error in the install process.

Transcode required libmagik5.5.5 and witout it don't want install.

I have found libmagik with synaptic, but it is the 6.x version, and not 5.5.5.

Transcode package isn't compatible with 6.x library version and 5.5.5 don't exist any more.

I have contacted the author of libmagik / transcode packages without reply for weeks.

Please help me.

I need to use transcode package on my system.



P.S.: I don't make it from me becouse I'n not a programmer.
P.P.S.: Excuse me for my bad english.

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