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Re: jython install

On Mon, May 24, 2004 at 02:28:58PM -0500, Randall Smith wrote:
| If you have installed Jython, maybe you can help.
| I just installed Jython using apt-get install jython.  I'm not a Java 
| programmer.  When I fire up the interpreter and type 'import java', I 
| get an import error saying the module can't be found.  Any help?

$ jython
Jython 2.1 on java1.4.1 (JIT: null)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import java
>>> print java
<java package java at 28882952>

Can you be more specific with the error message?  I can't imagine how
jython could run if java can't be found.


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