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Re: after dist-upgrade mutt in reverse video

Incoming from Richard Otte:
> On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 10:57:20PM -0600, s. keeling wrote:
> > 
> > When you change them, do an "xrdb -merge .Xdefaults" then run
> This is beginning to puzzle me more and more.  I can control the
> colors of mutt (basically I want black fonts on a white background) as
> root with /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm-color.  For some reason it

Mutt colors are controlled by .muttrc

> doesn't work when I put the color info in ~/.app-defaults/XTerm-color.

Why are you bothering with ~/.app-defaults?  Just stuff them into
~/.Xresources, then xrdb -merge

> It then gets stranger:  Mutt ignores any color info I put in
> .Xresources, although this does affect the color in xterm.  So

Yes, mutt does ignore X resources; Mutt is not an X Window program.
It doesn't need X.  It _can be used_ in an X terminal program
(xterm/rxvt/??), but it doesn't need it.

If you want mutt to work right in both console (white on black) and in
reverse video (xterm/rxvt black on white), you may need to call up
mutt with different .muttrc's depending on where you are (console or X
terminal) when it's called.

Try some of these:

   xterm -e mutt &

   xterm -fg white -bg black -e mutt &

   xterm -fg black -bg white -e mutt &

   [in any console/terminal] mutt

In the first three of those, you're controlling the colors of xterm,
not mutt.  In the last one, you (your .muttrc) is controlling mutt's

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)               http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling 
- -

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