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Re: [OT Why GB English is different] Re: Mozilla firefox en-gb

On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 09:20:21PM +0200, Roel Schroeven wrote:
> William Ballard wrote:
> >Another real problem for me is I *really* like the Contenintal style of 
> >writing the dates: dd/mm/yy.  But you can cause *endless* confusion by 
> >not just going with the flow. 
> One way to avoid the confusion is by using the ISO format: yyyy/mm/dd. 
> Also makes it very easy to sort by date.

In America, one should not date checks that way, unless one wishes to 
eventually to get checks returned by the bank.

Nor should you fill out your income tax forms that way.

(Just because you tried it in the past and got away with it doesn't mean 
what I'm saying isn't true.)

Nor should you always write down the year in notes to your friends or in 
your day planner, unless you are silly.

Nor should you title the columns of newspapers that way.  Nor, might I 
add, should you date the report to your Boss's Boss's Boss that way, 
unless you want to make him squinch his nose and wonder why you are a 

Basically yyyy/mm/dd is good for military and technical things, and on 
the computer, but is not widely used as a way to express the date for 
human consumption.

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