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apt: Dynamic MMap ran out of room

First, i'm not on the list, so please cc to me.

I saw exactly the same problem on a friends laptop, when he trtied to upgrade to testing. Maybe it's caused by a misconfigured apt or sth. completely different, but i should mention that I run a local apt-proxy version 1.3.6 from Debian stable - without any problems, since half a year.

Now i tried to upgrading to testing. After 'updating' to the new sources list from aptitude ('u') the package lists
seem to have been downloaded into the apt-proxy cache properly. For example:
/home mi: ls -l /var/cache/apt-proxy/debian/dists/testing/main/binary-i386/
-rw-r--r--    1 aptproxy nogroup      2,8M 2004-04-30 21:00 Packages.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 aptproxy nogroup        81 2004-04-30 21:18 Release

But when i start aptitude and it loads the apt cache, there's this error message:
Apt errors
E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room
E: Error occured while processing tqsllib0 (NewVersion1)
E: Problem with MergeList
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

There's no package list available, afterwards.
When i request a new (offline) upgrade, it says
Ouch!  Got SIGSEGV, dying..
Segmentation fault

The same occurs with unstable.
Updating the package list still works for stable (woody).

The package lists for testing and unstable (main) are quite large (> 2,5 MB)
compared to stable.
However i don't understand what's going on.

This box has 256 MB (mostly unused) RAM and a lot of swap. It runs a kernel 2.4.5 which never
showed any memory problem.

Any idea will be greatly appreciated !

-- mi.

-------------------------------------  Appendix I:  apt-proxy.conf
# Change this path if you do not want to keep your cache under var

# ------------- Debian Main
# deb http://APTPROXY:9999/debian stable main contrib non-free
add_backend /debian/					\
	$APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian/			\
	http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/		\
# ------------- Debian Non-US
add_backend /non-US/					\

# ------------- Debian Security
add_backend /security/					\
	$APT_PROXY_CACHE/security/			\

# ------------- Openoffice: Backports to woody
add_backend /debian-openoffice/				\
	$APT_PROXY_CACHE/debian-openoffice/		\

# ------------- GNOME-2.2: Backports to woody
add_backend /gnome/					\
	$APT_PROXY_CACHE/gnome/				\

############################## OTHER VARS ##################################
#	Automatically delete old debs when we download a newer one
#	after this many days of the older not being accessed.
#	Comment out to avoid, set to 0 for `instantly' (not recommended;
#	sometimes the new versions are broken
#	Once every n days, look through tree to erase any debs which
#	haven't been accessed in that long (eg. obsolete, rarely used, etc).
#	Comment out to disable.
#       Maximum number of versions of each package to keep in cache
#       directory.  Version purging is carried out immediately after a new
#       version is downloaded.
#	XXX Specific number for every package server
#	Maximum frequency of Packages/etc. updates from back end (minutes)
#	Keep high to speed things up.
#	Number of seconds for rsync to wait before timing out.
#	Number of seconds for wget to wait to connect before timing out.
#       Uncomment to change the path to wget, or add extra options.  For
#       example, if you are behind a firewall that does not allow active
#       FTP, use WGET="wget --passive-ftp"
#       Uncomment to change the path to rsync or add extra options.
#	Uncomment to keep stats of successful backend transfers in the log.
#	Uncomment this for debugging messages
# DEBUG=true
#       HTTP/FTP proxy:  apt-proxy uses wget to retreive files.  Wget uses
#       the http_proxy and ftp_proxy environment variables, which can be set
#       like this:
#export http_proxy=http://proxy:8080/
#export ftp_proxy=http://proxy:8080/

-------------------------------------  Appendix II: etc/apt/sources.list
(here: pointing to testing)

# __________ EXPERIMENTAL:
# deb http://APTPROXY:9999/debian project/experimental/main/binary-$(ARCH)/
# __________ UNSTABLE:
#deb http://localhost:9999/debian unstable main contrib non-free
#deb http://localhost:9999/non-US unstable/non-US main contrib non-free
# __________ TESTING:
deb http://localhost:9999/debian testing main contrib non-free
deb http://localhost:9999/non-US testing/non-US main contrib non-free
# __________ STABLE:
#deb http://localhost:9999/debian stable main contrib non-free
#deb http://localhost:9999/non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free
# security
#deb http://localhost:9999/security stable/updates main contrib non-free
## Openoffice Backports to woody
## deb http://localhost:9999/debian-openoffice woody main contrib
## Gnome-2.2 Backports to woody
## deb http://localhost:9999/gnome gnome2.2/

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