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Re: How to 'apt-cache search'&'apt-file search' by distr

apt-cache show
fontconfigDisplays fontconfig version to be

[code:1:565f94e986]aptitude show ~Astable
[code:1:565f94e986]aptitude show ~Aunstable
[code:1:565f94e986]aptitude show ~Aexperimental

All the above three display fontconfig version to be

Does that mean fontconfig is version 2.2.2-2 in all distributions? Why
the difference in version displayed by apt-cache and aptitude?

Thanks !

> dirchawrote:
David Clymer wrote:
> On Sun, 2004-04-18 at 13:57, users@linuxforums.org wrote:
> What arguement should I use with 'apt-cache search' and 'apt-file
> search' to specific the distribution?
> Eg. If I want to search for source packages (or normal packages) in
> unstable distribution, what would the complete command for
> search' and 'apt-file search'?
> AFAIK, you cant restrict your apt-cache search by branch. I think
> just searches all package lists fetched from the sources in your
> /etc/apt/sources.list. However, if you know the package name, you
> use apt-cache policy <package name> to see a list of all
> packages (from all branches) with the specified name along with
> versions, apt-get sources, and installation status.
aptitude allows you to do this. Used as a command line tool (rather
in curses-gui mode) I find it to be a welcome improvement over apt-get

for most uses.

Following is a simple form to do what you want:

'aptitude search ~Astable~n<search-term>'

or, 'aptitude search ~Astable~d<search-term>'


Read /usr/share/doc/aptitude/README for the full list of available 
search modifiers.


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