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Re: lookit does not start on bootup

On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 00:58:55 -0500, S.Squarepants
<spongebob@200motels.com> wrote:

> I have no idea if this will help you or not, but I once had a problem
> with some other things that failed to work prior to the network being
> up. I doubt that's the case here, but it still might rely on something
> else that needs to load first.
> Try changing the "S" numbers to something higher. Maybe start at S99,
> and if that works try it again at S50 or something till you get it in
> the right range.
> Redhat used to have the same problem (don't know if Fedora fixed it)
> with pcmcia. It would start /after/ networking, so the network wouldn't
> come up because the card needed for it wasn't initializing until later
> on in the boot process.
> HTH, but I have no idea whether it will or not.

Thanks for the suggestion. It is possible that this is the problem,
and I'll investigate it. S1 does seem rather low. First I'll need to
learn the recommended way to manipulate runtime links in Debian. If I
remember correctly, there is some tool to do specifically this.


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