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Re: something wrong with BIG jigdo templates?

On Mit, 2004-04-07 at 00:30, Christian Schnobrich wrote:

The URL in the first post was wrong, and perhaps a few more words are in
After reading a little about debian for hppa, it was obvious that I'd
better try sarge. I went to the debian "Downloading Debian CD images
with jigdo" page, and followed the link for the "official" testing
distribution, dated 14-Feb-2004.

but jigdo complained about 510 missing files, so I checked the
"unofficial" images, also linked from the above named Debian page.
I ended up here
(ftp://ftp.fsn.hu/pub/CDROM-Images/debian-unofficial/sarge/jigdo/), and
this is where I found incredibly large template files, not only for


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