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Re: Installing Debian Unstable From Scratch

On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 04:35:11PM +0100, Sebastiaan wrote:

> pretty simple. Your start is good :). Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and
> replace woody or testing to sarge or unstable, or better, add an unstable
> line to it, like:
> deb ftp://ftp.nl.uu.net/debian unstable main contrib non-free
> deb ftp://ftp.nl.uu.net/debian testing main contrib non-free
> deb ftp://ftp.nl.uu.net/debian stable main contrib non-free

I was wondering the other day if you just want to run unstable can you
just use one deb line for unstable?  Or do you need all three?

Bill Moseley

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