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Re: en_CA? [was Re: www.gnu.org, glibcbug, bug@gnu.org, dpkg-reconfigure locales]

On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 02:08:22PM -0800, Nano Nano wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 02:24:01PM -0700, s. keeling wrote:
> > 
> > I don't know, no, no, and yes.  US does mo/day/yr, we do day/mo/yr
> > (when we're not doing yyyy-mm-dd (iso).  Are spelling dictionaries
> > affected by locale?  Dunno.
> Oi, the date format is endlessly confusing if you're American and you 
> happen to prefer the non-American way, *and* do computers enough to 
> think in the iso way.
> My most recent rent check, which I wrote last week on the 3rd of 
> January, I wrote "04 Jan 03", saw how messed up that was, and scribbled 
> a litle "20" in front of the "04".  My landlady came by and thought I'd 
> written the year wrong :-)

Can you guys take me off the Cc list? I haven't maintained glibc in over
a year. Best bet is to carry this to debian-glibc@lists.debian.org.

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