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Re: Can't get out of dependency resolution in dselect

Em Qua, 2004-01-07 às 15:42, Michael D. Crawford escreveu:
> I have a PowerPC testing system.

	Same as me, but with a little unstable thrown in.

> I just updated today, and now whenever I try to install any software, dselect 
> keeps wanting me to resolve dependencies.  Eventually I get down to where it 
> lists two packages, mozilla-browser and mozilla-xmlterm.  After that, no matter 
> what I do, I can't get dselect to think the dependencies are satisfied.  The 
> only escape is to control-c to kill dselect, so I can't really use dselect anymore.

	Do you really user mozilla-xmlterm?  What about dpkg -r'ing it?

> note that xprt-xprintorg is not listed in the dependency resolution dialog.  I 
> have mozilla 1.0.0-0.woody.1 installed.

	You don't need to worry about xprt-xprintorg, it's just a suggestion.

	I'd also suggest apt-get install mozilla mozilla-browser to be really

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra <ldutra@prefeitura.sp.gov.br>
Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo
Governo Eletrônico, Telecentros                  +55 (11) 5080 9647
http://br.geocities.com./lgcdutra/               +55 (11) 5080 9648

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