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Re: empty boot log

Florian Ernst wrote:
Hello Peter!

On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 07:49:44PM -0500, Peter McAlpine wrote:

On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 19:01, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

I no longer have a /var/log/boot although I remember having one, what does its presence depend on?


[19:47]-pmcalpin@pitc:~$ dpkg -S /var/log/boot
dpkg: /var/log/boot not found.


Maybe when I dist-upgraded to unstable it changed. What do you suppose
the method used to log my boot msgs is now?

/var/log/boot is created by bootlogd from initscripts / sysvinit, but
recently (since 2.85-8) this logging is turned off by default, see
the changelogs for details.
You can turn it on again by editing /etc/default/bootlogd.


None of that exists in Woody 3.0r1. And you cannot use apt-file with CD's. So a possibility is changing sources.list to Woody, getting rid of the CD entries, doing an update and then using apt-file and then putting everything back again. A lot of work to find out where bootlogd went ;-)


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