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Re: GnuPG can not read some pgp signatures

Incoming from LeVA:
> I have installed KMail a few days ago, and with it I've installed the 
> GnuPG program too. But some of the signatures can not be read by gpg.

There's a discussion going on in debian-security on this.  Suffice to
say, some mailers use deprecated/obsolete mime tags, and some use the
newer/correct PGP/MIME.  I believe yours (kmail) is one of the former
so you're going to have trouble with mine, and I have trouble with yours.

> But, sometimes I get messages, which has also a signature file attached, 
> and it can be verified by KMail, and the signatures can be imported 
> with gpg. For example these keys:
> http://www.debian.org/security/keys.txt
> I can import those keys, and KMail can verify these keys, when I'm 
> getting emails from those guys.

A nice trick pointed out to me last night:

   wget -O- http://www.debian.org/security/keys.txt | gpg --import

Alternatively, this works too:

   gpg --recv-keys BLAAAAAAAH

Where BLAAAAAAH is the key you want imported.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
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