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Re: Athlon and Debian?

On Wed, 2003-12-24 at 13:21, Forest Fisher wrote:
> I just got a new laptop for x-mas that runs on an AMD Athlon XP-M
> Processor.  I was hoping to run Debian on my new computer, but the
> official webpage indicates that the latest release of Debian is not
> supported by the Athlon architecture.  Nonetheless, other webpages
> (such as DebianPlanet.org) talk about an "Athlon Builder."  I'm a
> newbie, and I don't really understand what is meant by an Athlon
> Builder.  Does this mean that if I run the Athlon Builder I can run
> Debian on my system or is there just no way to port Debian to my
> computer?  If the latter is true, does anyone know another GNU/Linux
> OS that will run on an Athlon processor?  Thanx a million,
> Forest

(Note: Please set your mail client to wrap at around 78 columns or so
for ease of reading.)

I'm not aware of any Athlon-specific problems with debian. I don't know
if the Athlon XP-M has certain problems, but my desktop has been running
an Athlon XP 2000 processor for over a year now with no problems. I'm
guessing that any Athlon-related problems you may have heard are
probably about AMD's new 64-bit processor, though I don't really know
much of anything about that.

Alex Malinovich
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