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Re: yet another NVIDIA problem (4496)

hi ya

On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Hoyt Bailey wrote:

> > On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 07:04:20AM -0800, donw@examen.com wrote:
> > > I've had the same thing; the drivers that I nabbed from nVidia have been
> > > rock-solid and quite functional, whereas the Debian packages...besides,
> > > why is it a 'crap driver'?

getting the drivers is sometimes a pain ...
installing it is a big mess too


> > Fuck nVidia, nVidia sucks.  They should just call it quits now while
> > they still have fans.

if they went away .. we'd have to bitch about ati/matrox :-0

to be.. they're all equally bad ... 
	- had to install drivers for gazillion varitions and reasons

- one usually inherits their hardware they have ....
	and have to call for help ... to get their box running

	- sometimes easier to just telll um call somebody else :-0
	( esp if its a video card we already played with and x11 didnt
	( work just right 

- FireGL-2 seems to be the wrost video card in my book ..
	- itd work ... than it randomy hangs/dies..
	and than it'd work while you're there ... go away and it
	dies again .. 

	- scrapped all of them and replaced with nvidia and 
	all the stereo 3d graphics seems to be happy
	( and worked faster than the firegl-2 stuff

	- both of those cards retailed at about $1,00 each a year ago...
	and its still flaky/crappy ...
		- even the $20 rage128 did 1600x 1280 or whatever it was
		but they needed "3D stereo"

c ya

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