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XFree86 with i810 onboard graphics (Newbie)


Sorry if this is repeating a topic you've seen a dozen times before but I'm having real trouble starting X on my old celery 400 with the Intel i810 onboard graphics chip.

I installed Debian Woody fresh and selected the i810 chip from the list. I also went conservative with my monitor settings as it's an old and crappy 14". On completion of the install and package install (done over web), it rebooted and tried to start x (GDM) over the text login prompt. After two or three goes it comes up with an error and asks me if I want to view the log (attached). It then asks me if I want it to try and configure X - this makes no difference.

I googled and dug through the mailing list archives and found some examples of this problem but they seemed to related to v3.x of XFree86 and several replies suggested that v4.x would fix it. I am on v4.1.0-16woody1 (default with the Woody install) and same problem.

I have also attached my XFree86Config-4 for your edification.

Help! I am having real trouble getting ANY linux up on this old machine. Suse didn't have a clue what my network card was, Gentoo was SSSSSOOOOOO SSSSSSLLLLOOOOWWW, I can't get the FD to boot and Mandrake http install refuses to run in the available 64M. Please help restore my faith in linux as I am really keen to throw away my windoze.



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Attachment: XF86CONF
Description: Binary data

Attachment: XFREE86.0
Description: Binary data

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