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Re: How do I install gnome/stable

Em Wed, 03 Dec 2003 21:10:28 +0100, Joris Huizer escreveu:

> obviously packages are still missing - as trying to login in
> gnome immediately restarts X

	Not necessarily packages are missing.  Gnome is quite fragile; 
sometimes I've had do kill daemon processes like gconf*, bonobo* and oaf
(killall gconfd; bonobo-slay; oaf-slay, repeat or strengthen as necessary)
to make it work.  Some authorities recommend also cleaning temporary
directories but mainly things like ~/.gnome*

> Can anybody tell me what packages to install to make gnome work

	apt-get install gnome should suffice as far as packages go.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra <leandro@dutra.fastmail.fm>
                                                +55 (11) 9406 7191
Belo Horizonte, Londrina, São Paulo             +55 (11) 5686 9607
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