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Re: Debian Investigation Report after Server Compromises

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On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 01:58:11PM -0800, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> Sidestepping lawsuits from a million angry customers isn't really a
> "win".

You're right.  Which is why I really wish Bugtraq didn't wait around
before publishing their findings.  Customers have a right to know what
they got screwed into buying.

> If their customers can hear about a problem only when it's been fixed,
> it makes Microsoft look like the good guys: "Hey, by the way, we fixed
> this problem you didn't even know about."  If there's an exploit in the
> wild before a fix is available, the PHBs hear it on the local news
> first, which is not good.  It's not about lawsuits, it's just simple
> business sense -- you have to keep your customers happy.

Why not get it mostly right the first time?  This is the first
compromise of debian.org I've heard about, which says something.

- -- 
 .''`.     Paul Johnson <baloo@ursine.ca>
: :'  :    
`. `'`     proud Debian admin and user
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
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