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dhcp3-client does not bring up interface


Back in July, when version 3.0+3.0.1rc11-5 of the dhcp3-client package
came out, I noticed that my notebook no longer worked together with the
DHCP server. I investigated a bit, but at that time it was easier for
me to revert back to version 3.0+3.0.1rc11-4 and wait till somebody
else reports the problem and the problem gets fixed. This was an ill
idea as the problem exists till today. Ok, lesson learnt, here we go.

If I do

# dhclient eth0

that results amongst other (usual) messages in

receive_packet failed on eth0: Network is down


send_packet: Network is down

If I first do:

# ifconfig eth0 up

and then

# dhclient eth0

it works. The file /etc/network/interfaces contains the lines

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

As mentioned above, with version 3.0+3.0.1rc11-4 it worked. To me, it
looks like dhclient previously did the "ifconfig eth0 up" itself, but
no expects somebody else to do it, but nobody does.

Any ideas?

Stefan Bellon

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