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Re: Permissions problem

On Tue, Nov 18, 2003 at 02:16:38AM +0100, spam@treeby.net wrote:
> Hi all and excuse my noobitis, but I haven't found the answer to this
> anywhere and it's time for bed.
> I'm trying to set up IP masquerading as described at
> http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO/. This involves creating and saving a file called 
> /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall-2.4, which I'm attempting to do using Kate.
> Trouble is, when I try to save it, I get a message saying that I don't have
> sufficient permission to write to that directory -- something I don't
> understand, considering I'm logged on as root...
> Can anyone help?

The directory /etc/rc.d isn't part of a standard Debian installation.
You need to put your script (as I assume it is) somewhere else.

Now playing: Dream Theater - This Dying Soul

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