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[Fwd: Re: scsi vs. cdrom_read]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: scsi vs. cdrom_read
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 13:07:18 +0100
From: steef <s.duin@wxs.nl>
Reply-To: s.duin@wxs.nl
Organization: zeta
To: Jacob S. <stormspotter@6texans.net>
References: <[🔎] 3FB12C70.7080000@wxs.nl> <[🔎] 20031111134122.24944003.stormspotter@6texans.net>


you are darned right. thanx again,


Jacob S. wrote:
On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 19:37:36 +0100
steef <s.duin@wxs.nl> wrote:

...mmm..... if you put <append="hdx=ide-scsi" in lilo.conf and run
lilo afterwards you 'make'  your cdrom_reader/player/writer into only
a cdrom_writer. to use it as cdrom-reader again you have got to get
rid of the line in lilo again.
anyway: that is the way it works on my machine.

a suggestion: (not too expensive i hope and without the trouble to
compile a new kernel): add another cdrom-player to your machine.


No, it is still possible to read CDs from a CDRW drive that you've setup
using append="hdx=ide-scsi" in lilo.conf. If you have sr_mod.o compiled
into the kernel or as a loadable modules, your cdrom drive will show up
as /dev/srX or /dev/scdX (where X is the drive number the kernel sees
it as).
If you have the modules compiled and loaded properly, you'll want to do
some playing around as root to find what device your kernel is
recognizing the drive as (ie. "mount /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom") and then
change your /etc/fstab file to reflect the new /dev location for the
cdrom device.


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