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Re: Clicking links from Thunderbird

Roberto Sanchez wrote:

I know this has been brought up before, but the thread simply died.
I am running Sid and using Mozilla Thunderbird 0.3 and Mozilla Firebird
0.7.  The problem I have is that I can't click on a link in an email in
Thunderbird and have it open in Firebird.  Basically, nothing happens,
forcing me to copy and paste.  It is not really a huge deal, really more
of an annoyance, but I would like to get it figured out.


I found a reference to this in the Mozilla forums (but their search engine seems to suck worse than Debian's Mail Archives search, so I can't find it again); if I remember correctly, it was stated that this is a known problem on Linux, and there is not currently a solution.

Kent West (westk@acu.edu)

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