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Re: courier-imap setup - can't authenticate and maildir Q

On Monday, November 3, 2003, at 03:56 PM, Carlos Sousa wrote:

Besides, an imap server doesn't really work with an MTA. It just sits on
top of a few directories and distributes mail to connecting clients
according to a configured set of rules. So go ahead and use sendmail and
courier-imap, no reason it shouldn't work, especially because none of
them has to be aware of the other.

The reason I'm concerned is that courier-imap uses the Maildir format
(it may also work with /var/spool/mail, but if so that defeats my purpose
in considering it.)  Does Sendmail allow that format?  I didn't see
any sign of it, but I've missed things before.  Meanwhile I've gone
ahead and started using Exim, at least for now.

For those who don't know what we're talking about, Maildir format
uses a separate file for each message, instead of one huge file.
It probably wastes a lot of disk space that way (since a file has to
be a multiple of a certain number of bytes), but it has advantages,
comparable (I'd say) to a linked list vs an array.  I was a bit
worried about backing up thousands of tiny files, but I suppose that
incremental backups will be fast that way.

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